Episode 59 – The Revolution of Evelyn Serrano by Sonia Manzano
Sonia’s Book is the subject of Episode 59 of the Book Club for Kids featuring celebrity reader actress Yesenia Iglesias. Host Kitty Felde discusses the book with members of the Champion Boys Book Club who debate what kinds of protests are effective in the 21st century.

The Champion Boys Book Club of Washinton DC: back row: Nelson, Joshua, Emmanuel, Akili, Langston, Mehki; front row: Justice, Carter, Chase, Caleb, Damian, Zane
From the article: In this episode, we look back at the 1960’s and a lesser known protest movement. Writer Sonia Manzano (probably better known as “Maria” from Sesame Street) says her encounter with Puerto Rican American activists known as the Young Lords opened her eyes. Her book is “The Revolution of Evelyn Serrano. It’s the story of a young girl discovering her inner activist amid the New York protests over garbage collection that grew into a takeover of a neighborhood church. View this article and listen to the clip here: http://www.bookclubforkids.org/new-blog/2018/1/15/episode-59-the-revolution-of-evelyn-serrano-by-sonia-manzano

Writer Sonia Manzano

Celebrity reader, actress Yesenia Iglesias